Wednesday, March 29, 2006
Update to Freebies!
Sign-up once and you will get all these three freebies...
free licensed software at
2 free books at
Here's a special over-delivery from Michael...
Aside from freebies, don't pass on these amazing red-tag offers...
All these links can be found at: homepage.
And if you wanna start your online business, join us at
Enjoy! And have a nice day... ;-)
Lowest Price in eBooks, Powerful eBook bundles,
Earn Money, Resell Rights, Free eBooks, Free Software
IAN Del CARMEN, 27, is a TV writer and Internet entrepreneur. He is the CEO of the first Filipino-owned and Philippines-based eBookstore on the worldwide web with a real-time payment facility, DIGIBOOK DOT PH at He owns DIGIBOOK PUBLISHING HOUSE and the network of web sites including,,,,,, and an up-coming webcasting network,
Tuesday, March 28, 2006
Public Domain
Money found in old files: Visit
I have a separate post there...
Also updated:
Lowest Price in eBooks, Powerful eBook bundles,
Earn Money, Resell Rights, Free eBooks, Free Software
IAN Del CARMEN, 27, is a TV writer and Internet entrepreneur. He is the CEO of the first Filipino-owned and Philippines-based eBookstore on the worldwide web with a real-time payment facility, DIGIBOOK DOT PH at and DIGIBOOK NETWORK at
Saturday, March 25, 2006 is Gone
Hi Ian,=========================
There have been rumors for some time and now it's official... is Gone -- More or Less.
If you're using StormPay to accept payment on your website, you
need to switch to another service right away.
So what's the story?
Well, if you log in to your StormPay account and scroll to the
bottom of the page, you'll see a policy change that will rock
the foundations of many online business owners.
Basically, as of 2 days ago, StormPay only handles payments for
items bought and sold in StormPay Auctions. Yes, StormPay
Auctions only -- nothing else. You can no longer accept payments
on your website nor can you send or receive any kind of payments
outside of StormPay Auctions.
According to their update, they've done this "to insure a safer
online experience for both buyers and sellers" and to make sure
"that sold items are within StormPay’s acceptable use policies".
This is probably down to StormPay's recent 'complications'. Run
a search at for "stormpay autosurf"
(without the quotes) to learn more about what's been going on.
Anyway, that seems to be it as far as StormPay is concerned.
It's crazy to think that they didn't even contact their users to
let them know.
In fact, the policy text itself is hidden away at the bottom of
the page under the very happy-clappy title "What's New". Sort of
an "Oh, by the way..." thing.
At least they're nice enough to "apologize for any inconvenience
this may have caused".
Inconvenience? What inconvenience...!?
Anyway, if you're affected by this and you need to set up an
alternative payment option, you might find this tutorial useful.
It's a guide to the different options available when it comes to
accepting payment for downloadable products like ebooks:
By the way, if you want to read the full text to StormPay's
minor little policy change, I've put it online here:
All the best,
Oh, well... Any news about PayPal? Here's a better payment gateway. I don't want to call it "something-like-PayPal-or-StormPay" because this one is definitely much better.
Here's the surprise link for a StormPay alternative:
OK, I wanna congratulate everybody who won in the digiBook weekend raffle!
I'm sure all our subscribers to who won are all busy having their online shopping galore! This is a limited-time-only prize, anyway. You only have 120 hours to claim your discount/priviledges so don't make your opportunity wait for you...
Lowest Price in eBooks, Powerful eBook bundles,
Earn Money, Resell Rights, Free eBooks, Free Software
IAN Del CARMEN, 27, is a TV writer and Internet entrepreneur. He is the CEO of the first Filipino-owned and Philippines-based eBookstore on the worldwide web with a real-time payment facility, DIGIBOOK DOT PH at
Friday, March 24, 2006
Time is running out!
Tomorrow will be the Grand digiBook Raffle for all our beloved subscribers!
As of this moment, there are 273 total entries!
Good luck, guys!
Before you go, have you seen this?
Also, for my "kababayans" and Pinoys overseas, if you love eBooks, you'll love this Pinoy site.
Until next time... Peace!
Lowest Price in eBooks, Powerful eBook bundles, Pinoy eBooks,
Earn Money, Resell Rights, Free eBooks, Free Software
Thursday, March 23, 2006
Secret links.
Download links and freebies and more!
See below...
Bullet Proof Adsense System!
Secret links Galore!
You now have the opportunity to join us in the freshest, hottest, and most lucrative situation ever!
Click this now:
PS: Saturday is fast approaching and we're excited about the raffle. As of the moment, we all ready received 218 testimonials in our email inbox and since most of our beloved subscribers are shy (lol!), we have 4 testimonials in this blog. Total: 222 entries!!!
Who will win? Watch out and good luck to everybody!
Lowest Price in eBooks, Powerful eBook bundles,
Earn Money, Resell Rights, Free eBooks, Free Software
Wednesday, March 22, 2006
Updates & Free Gift!
Raise Your Adsense Income By $600,
$1500, Or MORE Each Month!
Total Podcasting!
Complete Power Tools!
Software & Books!
with Resell Rights!
Power bundles at One Low Price!
Best deals on eBooks & Software!
Quality Pinoy eBooks!
Lowest Price in eBooks, Powerful eBook bundles,
Earn Money, Resell Rights, Free eBooks, Free Software
Saturday, March 18, 2006
Open this box!
IAN Del CARMEN, 27, is a TV writer and Internet entrepreneur. He is the CEO of the first Filipino-owned and Philippines-based eBookstore on the worldwide web with a real-time payment facility, DIGIBOOK DOT PH. He owns DIGIBOOK PUBLISHING HOUSE and the network of web sites including,,,,,,, and an up-coming webcasting network,
Friday, March 17, 2006
They say I'm WACKY!
Everybody in my subscribers list is sending me an email that I am wacky! And they are even forwarding the emails with a subject "Ian del Carmen is WACKY!"
What have I done to deserve this?
Just check this out and tell me if I really am.
This thing gets to my senses. I'm not comfortable when they call me names.
Click this and tell me if I'm "wacky!"
IAN Del CARMEN, 27, is a TV writer and Internet entrepreneur. He is the CEO of the first Filipino-owned and Philippines-based eBookstore on the worldwide web with a real-time payment facility, DIGIBOOK DOT PH. He owns DIGIBOOK PUBLISHING HOUSE and the network of web sites including,,,,,,, and an up-coming webcasting network,
Thursday, March 16, 2006
Are Diamonds Really Rare?
For every one million diamonds that are mined, only one will be found that is a quality one karat diamond. In order to find a two karat diamond, about five million diamonds must be mined. More than two hundred tons of ore must be mined to find one small diamond, and even then, more than 80% of the diamonds that are mined are only good for industrial use, such as diamond drill bits.
So, the next time you visit your local jewelry store, ask to see the one karat diamonds. You should look at this diamond with new appreciation – knowing that it truly is one in a million!
PS: Today, the charity works I shot with awarded-actress Aleck Bovick was like finding some 1-karat diamonds. Each experience is simply amazing!
Watch "Pinoy Big Brother" on ABS-CBN (Philippines & The Filipino Channel worldwide) and see what I mean when we deliver all those checques to different charitable institutions...
Oh, by the way! The "Amazing digiBook Pack 1" offer is until March 22 only so be sure to grab your own bundle now! Click here.
IAN Del CARMEN, 27, is a TV writer and Internet entrepreneur. He is the CEO of the first Filipino-owned and Philippines-based eBookstore on the worldwide web with a real-time payment facility, DIGIBOOK DOT PH. He owns DIGIBOOK PUBLISHING HOUSE and the network of web sites including,,,,,,, and an up-coming webcasting network,
Tuesday, March 14, 2006
Pinoy Big Blogger
I wanna congratulate my digiBook Dot PH webmaster Retz of!

So, kelan ba tayo hi-hits? :-)
Secret pass.

IAN Del CARMEN, 27, is a TV writer and Internet entrepreneur. He is the CEO of the first Filipino-owned and Philippines-based eBookstore on the worldwide web with a real-time payment facility, DIGIBOOK DOT PH. He owns DIGIBOOK PUBLISHING HOUSE and the network of web sites including,,,,,,, and an up-coming webcasting network,
Writer's Block?
Well, I just can't think of a single darn thing to say. Oh well, I'm outta here!
Sound familiar? No! Oh, get real! We've all experienced this phenomenon when we absolutely have to write something, particularly on deadline. I'm talking about... uh, I can't think of what the word is... oh, yes, it's on the tip of my tongue... Ah!
Whew! I feel better just getting that out of my head and onto the page!
Writer's block is the patron demon of the blank page. You may think you know EXACTLY what you're going to write, but as soon as that evil white screen appears before you, your mind suddenly goes completely blank. I'm not talking about Zen meditation stare-at-the-wall-until-enlightenment-hits kind of blank.
Having said that, let me say it again. "The tighter the deadline, the worse the anguish of writer's block gets." Now, can you figure out what might possibly be causing this horrible plunge into speechlessness?
The answer is obvious: FEAR! You are terrified of that blank page. You are terrified you have absolutely nothing of value to say. You are afraid of the fear of writer's block itself!
It doesn't necessarily matter if you've done a decade of research and all you have to do is string sentences you can repeat in your sleep together into coherent paragraphs. Writer's block can strike anyone at anytime. Based in fear, it raises our doubts about our own self-worth, but it's sneaky. It's writer's block, after all, so it doesn't just come and let you know that. No, it makes you feel like an idiot who just had your frontal lobes removed through your sinuses. If you dared to put forth words into the greater world, they would surely come out as gibberish!
Let's try and be rational with this irrational demon called Writer's Block.
Let's make a list of what might possibly be beneath this terrible and terrifying condition.
1. Perfectionism. You must absolutely produce a masterpiece of literature straight off in the first draft. Otherwise, you qualify as a complete failure.
2. Editing instead of composing. There's your monkey-mind sitting on your shoulder, yelling as soon as you type "I was born?," no, not that, that's wrong!
That's stupid! Correct correct correct correct?
3. Self-consciousness. How can you think, let alone write, when all you can manage to do is pry the fingers of writer's block away from your throat enough so you can gasp in a few shallow breaths? You're not focusing on what you're trying to write, your focusing on those gnarly fingers around your windpipe.
4. Can't get started. It's always the first sentence that's the hardest. As writers, we all know how EXTREMELY important the first sentence is. It must be brilliant! It must be unique! It must hook your readers from the start!
There's no way we can get into writing the piece until we get past this impossible first sentence.
5. Shattered concentration. Your cat is sick. You suspect your mate is cheating on you. Your electricity might be turned off any second. You have a crush on Direk Lauren Dyogi. You have a dinner party planned for your in-laws. You...
Need I say more. How can you possibly concentrate with all these mental clutters?
6. Procrastination. It's your favorite hobby. It's your soul mate. It's the reason you've knitted 60 argyle sweaters or made 300 bookcases in your garage workshop. It's the reason you never run out of Brie.
How to Overcome Writer's Block
Okay. I can hear that herd of you running away from this post as fast as you can. Absurd! you huff. Never in a million years, you fume. Writer's block is absolutely, undeniably, scientifically proven to be impossible to overcome.
Oh, just get over it! Well, I guess it's not that easy. So try to sit down for just a few minutes and listen. All you have to do is listen... you don't have to actually write a single word.
Ah, there you all are again. I am beginning to make you out now that the cloud of dust is settling.
I am here to tell you that WRITER'S BLOCK CAN BE OVERCOME!
Please, remain seated.
There are ways to trick this nasty demon. Pick one, pick several, and give them a try. Soon, before you even have a chance for your heartbeat to accelerate, guess what? You're writing.
Here are some tried and true methods of overcoming writer's block:
1. Be prepared. The only thing to fear is fear itself. (I know, that's a cliche but as soon as you startwriting, feel free to improve on it.) If you spend some time mulling over your project before you actually sit down to write, you may be able to circumvent the worst of the crippling panic.
2. Forget perfectionism. No one ever writes a masterpiece in the first draft. Don't put any expectations on your writing at all! In fact, tell yourself you're going to write absolute garbage, and then give yourself permission to happily stink up your writing room.
3. Compose instead of editing. Never, never write your first draft with your monkey-mind sitting on your shoulder making snide editorial comments.
4. Forget the first sentence. You can sweat over that all-important one-liner when you've finished your piece. Skip it! Go for the middle or even the end. Start wherever you can. Chances are, when you read it over, the first line will be blinking its little neon lights right at you from the depths of your composition.
5. Concentration. This is a hard one. Life throws us so many curve balls. How about thinking about your writing time as a little vacation from all those annoying worries. Banish them! Create a space, perhaps even a physical one, where nothing exists except the single present moment. If one of those irritating worries gets by you, stomp on it like you would a nugly bug!
6. Stop procrastinating. Write an outline. Keep your research notes within sight. Use someone else's writing to get going. Babble incoherently on paper or on the computer if you have to.
Just do it! (I know, I stole that line from somewhere!)
OK, now I'm going to revise this post...
IAN Del CARMEN, 27, is a TV writer and Internet entrepreneur. He is the CEO of the first Filipino-owned and Philippines-based eBookstore on the worldwide

The Digital Re@d
This is the official eZine of digiBook Dot PH:
It's a PDF eZine so instead of clicking, right-click the link and choose "Save target as" to download!
IAN Del CARMEN, 27, is a TV writer and Internet entrepreneur. He is the CEO of the first Filipino-owned and Philippines-based eBookstore on the worldwide web with a real-time payment facility, DIGIBOOK DOT PH. He owns DIGIBOOK PUBLISHING HOUSE and the network of web sites including,,,,,,, and an up-coming webcasting network,
Monday, March 13, 2006
How to Write a digiBook
When you look at the whole project, it seems like an impossible task. That's why you have to break it down into manageable tasks. Think of climbing a mountain.You are standing at the foot of it and looking up at its summit vanishing into the clouds.
How can you possibly scale such an immense and dangerous mountain?
There is only one way to climb a mountain -- step by step.
Now think of writing your ebook in the same light. You must create it step by step, and one day, you will take that last step and find yourself standing on the summit with your head in the clouds.
The first thing you have to do, as if you actually were a mountain climber, is to get organized. Instead of climbing gear, however, you must organize your thoughts. There are some steps you should take before you begin. Once you've gone through the following list, you will be ready to actually begin writing your digibook.
Beginning Steps to Writing a digibook
First, figure out your digibook's working title. Jot down a few different titles, and eventually, you'll find that one that will grow on you. Titles help you to focus your writing on your topic; they guide you in anticipating and answering your reader's queries. Many non-fiction books also have subtitles. Aim for clarity in your titles, but cleverness always helps to sell books -- as long as it's not too cute.
For example, "Remedies for Insomnia: 20 different ways to count sheep."
Or "Get off that couch: 15 exercise plans to whip you into shape."
Next, write out a thesis statement. Your thesis is a sentence or two stating exactly what problem you are addressing and how your book will solve that problem. All chapters spring forth from your thesis statement.Once you've got your thesis statement fine-tuned, you've built your foundation. From that foundation, your digibook will grow, chapter by chapter.
Your thesis will keep you focused while you write your digibook.
Remember: all chapters must support your thesis statement. If they don't, they don't belong in your digibook. For example, your thesis statement could read:
We've all experienced insomnia at times in our lives, but there are twenty proven techniques and methods to give you back a good night's sleep.
Once you have your thesis, before you start to write, make sure there is a good reason to write your digibook. Ask your self some questions:
* Does your digibook present useful information and isthat information currently relevant?
* Will you digibook positively affect the lives of your readers?
* Is your digibook dynamic and will it keep the reader's attention?
* Does you digibook answer questions that are meaningful and significant?
If you can answer yes to these questions, you can feel confident about the potential of your digibook.
Another important step is to figure out who your target audience is. It is this group of people you will be writing to, and this group will dictate many elements of your digibook, such as style, tone, diction, and even length.
Figure out the age range of your readers, their general gender, what they are most interested in, and even the socio-economic group they primarily come from. Are they people who read fashion magazines or book reviews? Do they write letters in longhand or spend hours every day online.
The more you can pin down your target audience, the easier it will be to write your digibook for them.
Once you've written your digibook, tell me and let's publish it. You can sell it at
IAN Del CARMEN, 27, is a TV writer and Internet entrepreneur. He is the CEO of the first Filipino-owned and Philippines-based eBookstore on the worldwide web with a real-time payment facility, DIGIBOOK DOT PH. He owns DIGIBOOK PUBLISHING HOUSE and the network of web sites including,,,,,,, and an up-coming webcasting network,
Sunday, March 12, 2006
Did Paypal or StormPay bully you?
I read this ad today:
Did Paypal or StormPay bully you?
And then I remember a friend named Liz Tomey who wrote the book "PayPal Hell" because she was like mobbed by PayPal and killed some of her online businesses.
I told her once, it's a good thing we don't have PayPal in the Philippines. But honestly, it's also a bad thing for Pinoys not to have a payment gateway to do business on the Internet. Of course, not until there's which digiBook uses and the Mozcom-/Filipino-owned PayEasy which is a complete payment system.
Is your country not supported by PayPal nor StormPay?
Yes, we don't have PayPal here in the Philippines. But we have StormPay and PayDotCom and others.
Send money to anyone with an email
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And I recommend the "Premium Account" or the "Secured Account" because anyway, it's free to join!
Have you clicked the link?
Have an AlertPay Account NOW!
IAN Del CARMEN, 27, is a TV writer and Internet entrepreneur. He is the CEO of the first Filipino-owned and Philippines-based eBookstore on the worldwide web with a real-time payment facility, DIGIBOOK DOT PH. He owns DIGIBOOK PUBLISHING HOUSE and the network of web sites including,,,,,,, and an up-coming webcasting network,
Officially, is online!
It's actually a brother site of so it's redirected to the main server. But however you may reach it, all I can say is... W-O-W!
This is the most amazing Podcasting bundle ever!
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You will get all these power tools, software, digiBooks, & more!
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The price? Amaze yourself more! See for yourself at!
PS: Thank you to Teresa A. Glover of IN, USA. She knows why... ;-)
IAN Del CARMEN, 27, is a TV writer and Internet entrepreneur. He is the CEO of the first Filipino-owned and Philippines-based eBookstore on the worldwide web with a real-time payment facility, DIGIBOOK DOT PH. He owns DIGIBOOK PUBLISHING HOUSE and the network of web sites including,,,,,,, and an up-coming webcasting network,
Saturday, March 11, 2006
A Net Guru in the Philippines
I received an email today, just one of those marketing emails I receive from websites I opt to subscribe for newsletter in exchange of free downloads.
Subject: Ian, A special WARNING - You need to know
I want to warn you not to miss what could be the Biggest *F R E E* event in 2006.
You won't have to make air fare or motel reservations either. This event will be taking place in the privacy of your own home and will be appearing right on your very own computer screen.
Please keep this warning under your hat because it is suppose to be a secret for a few more days.
You may not believe your eyes when you see all the people that have teamed up to make this event possible.
Remember, It's *F R E E* !
Here is your warning -- Be on the lookout for this subject line...
Ian, Did you see this? It's BIG & It's*F R E E*
Now you know what to be on the lookout for and that all warnings are not bad.
Best regards,
Arthur Weber
Arthur - Weber
#205 Marcos Highway
Baguio City
Arthur - Weber
#205 Marcos Highway
Baguio City
2600 - Philippines ???
Whoa! An internet entrepreneur, one who has been there before I came in the IM world, lives in Baguio City???
I emailed him a reply:
Hi Arthur!
How are you? My name is Ian del Carmen of , based here in Metro Manila, Philippines! I got so excited about this email and even more excited when I saw your address at Baguio City, Philippines.
How are you? Are you based here in the Philippines? You see, I just started my online business and still learning more about it.
Are you related to
I hope you find time to answer this email. Maybe we can go out one time and have coffee here in Manila.
Thanks and I will be waiting for your reply.
Take care & enjoy the Philippines!
CEO, Digibook Publishing House
Then I googled for his website. I found and scanned the home page. Under the site where legal notices reside reads:
Copyright © 2004 - 2006 Marketing Dreams - All Rights Reserved
Arthur R. Weber, #205 Marcos Highway, Baguio City, Philippines
( 0063 918 *******)
I saw that number, a Smart mobile number & called him.
Hi! Is this Arthur Weber?
Yes. Who is this?
... and the rest is confidential. Business is business. ;-)
Watch out for the Podcasting Power Pack from digiBook Publishing House!
I'm uploading the site today. And surely, you're having the best deal ever!
IAN Del CARMEN, 27, is a TV writer and Internet entrepreneur. He is the CEO of the first Filipino-owned and Philippines-based eBookstore on the worldwide web with a real-time payment facility, DIGIBOOK DOT PH. He owns DIGIBOOK PUBLISHING HOUSE and the network of web sites including,,,,,,, and an up-coming webcasting network,
Blogging: Free Internet Marketing Method
What exactly is blogging? Blog is the widely used term that refers to web log. Basically, a blog is an online journal. A blog could be set up to no cost at all, and can be used for just for the fun of it or for business reasons.
Blogging for your Internet business is one surefire way to boost the visibility of your products and services. Here are a few ways to boost your internet advertising with the help of a blog:
1. Make your clients or customers abreast on your website's alterations. Your new products and affiliate websites could also be announced through your blog.
2. Keep track of your business objectives and plans through open writing. Your blog content can be easily stored through archives. What could be better than searchable information that could be easily accessed by anyone browsing the web, right?
3. Air your opinions, advice or reviews on specific services or products that are related to your business. Publishing is a very easy process with blogging.
4. Include links that will fetch back links and subsequently improve your ranking on search engines. This could be better executed through putting well-written articles in your website. Affiliate links could also be included in your blog to earn more extra income.
5. Collect response through the ability of blogs to fetch comments from your blog readers. You can learn and improve your products and services through with the feedback from your readers.
6. Connect easily with other bloggers. When other bloggers notice that you have something good in your blog, they will put you in their favorite lists that will automatically link you to their blogs.
So, how do you set up a blog? Here are some of the options you can make use of to take advantage of this fun way to advertise your Internet business.
Either you load a blogging software or let a blogging hosting service do it for you. Host services such as LiveJournal and are the most popular in this field. Those hosts will provide you with easy instructions on how to put up your blog.
More articles like this (soon) at
My Blogging Friends: Retzwerx, Cathcath, Ajay, Yuga, and more!
IAN Del CARMEN, 27, is a TV writer and Internet entrepreneur. He is the CEO of the first Filipino-owned and Philippines-based eBookstore on the worldwide web with a real-time payment facility, DIGIBOOK DOT PH. He owns DIGIBOOK PUBLISHING HOUSE and the network of web sites including,,,,,,, and an up-coming webcasting network,
Friday, March 10, 2006
The Art of Getting Money
Those who really desire to attain independence, have only to set their minds upon it, and adopt the proper means, as they do in regard to any other object which they wish to accomplish, and the thing is easily done.
But however easy it may be found to make money, I have no doubt many of the readers of this blog will agree that the road to wealth is “as plain as the road to the mill.”
Many of us may say: “We understand this. This is economy, and we know economy is wealth; we know we can’t eat our cake and keep it also.”
Go to:
IAN Del CARMEN, 27, is a TV writer and Internet entrepreneur. He is the CEO of the first Filipino-owned and Philippines-based eBookstore on the worldwide web with a real-time payment facility, DIGIBOOK DOT PH. He owns DIGIBOOK PUBLISHING HOUSE and the network of web sites including,,,,,,, and an up-coming webcasting network,
Random Anomalies, Pixar, & Rugrats!
Two of your "kababayans" in the animation industry! Wow! Pixar... Rugrats... Lilo and Stitch! Visit their sites and see their wonderful werx...
Ronnie del Carmen is currently working for Pixar Animation Studios in Emeryville. Prior to that he's worked at Dreamworks and Warner Bros. All in the capacity of story artist, story supervisor, character designer, illustrator and all around pest. There's documentation that shows he's been dabbling in comics over the years for DC and Dark Horse among others. He self-publishes his own comic book, Paper Biscuit.
He is maintained by his wife and kids and is not allowed too much peanut butter.
Visit his site at:
On to another amazing guy...
Ronnie's brother!
Born in the Philippines in 1967, Louie del Carmen grew up in the small seaside town of Cavite City a few miles south of Manila.
He is the youngest of three brothers who have found successful careers in animation. Ron, his oldest brother is currently part of the elite story crew at Pixar while Rick is a versatile and experienced storyboard artist who’s credited on countless shows.
Like his older brothers, Louie demonstrated signs of artistic ability at a young age. He also found himself fascinated with all forms of visual art especially comic books and movies which encouraged the already curious youngster to start emulating his heroes.
After graduating high school in 1983 at the age of 15, Louie attended the College of Architecture and Fine Arts at Santo Tomas University in Manila where he studied Commercial Art. In 1985 he transitioned to study computer science until migrating to the United States in the summer of 1989.
Having re-kindled his interest in art and inspired by the success of his brothers, Louie landed his first animation job in 1995 at Klasky-Csupo as a character designer on the second season of “Aaah! Real Monsters”. While at Klasky, he continued as a character and prop designer on “Rugrats”. Always eager to grow and challenge himself, and having realized the lasting impact a story artist has on shows, he transitioned to storyboarding in 1998.
For a year his burgeoning story work is featured on Rugrats and “Rocket Power” as well as other studio projects. Having worked with most of Klasky’s directors for several years, Louie knew inevitably that directing for series was a road he had to take and in 1999, he became one in a new crop of young directors. He quickly develops a casual but systematic management style that equally balanced all the aspects of production.
In a short amount of time, he proceeded to work on 13 episodes of Rocket Power and Rugrats culminating with the forty-four minute movie for “Rugrats: All Growed Up” celebrating the series’ 10th anniversary.
Eager to test his mettle against the rest of the industry, Louie left Klasky in the fall of 2000 for Nickelodeon Animation Studios to work on the sci-fi comedy “Invader Zim serving as the show’s storyboard supervisor. The show was groundbreaking and technically challenging combining 2D and 3D animation, which required a painstaking pre-production process. Having learned invaluable technical experience and eager to grow as an artist, Louie joined the storyboard crew at Disney Television Animation in 2002 to work on the second season of “Kim Possible” The transition to the more traditional Disney/Warner Brothers style of art helped breed classical and fundamental aspects to his personal art style.
Since then, Louie has continued to succeed and flourish in many levels and has garnered a reputation as a consummate professional with a tremendous artistic range. Since 2002 he has worked on a variety of styles from“Masters of the Universe” to “The Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy”. From “Fosters Home of Imaginary Friends” to “Lilo & Stitch” to”Invader Zim” and all points in between. He has the uncanny ability to showcase his personal drawing style while maintaining the look of the specific show. His visual storytelling is fluid and well acted, uncluttered, entertaining and supported by strong layout and animation.
Louie is continually refining his craft and broadening his horizons. Along with expanding his abilities, he hopes to continue to share his art and insight to the world for many years to come. He lives in Los Angeles with his wife and two kids.
His site:
IAN Del CARMEN, 27, is a TV writer and Internet entrepreneur. He is the CEO of the first Filipino-owned and Philippines-based eBookstore on the worldwide web with a real-time payment facility, DIGIBOOK DOT PH. He owns DIGIBOOK PUBLISHING HOUSE and the network of web sites including,,,,,,, and an up-coming webcasting network,
Adsense Girl
If you haven't heard of the Adsense Article System that has taken the net by storm yet, I've got something exciting to tell you...
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IAN Del CARMEN, 27, is a TV writer and Internet entrepreneur. He is the CEO of the first Filipino-owned and Philippines-based eBookstore on the worldwide web with a real-time payment facility, DIGIBOOK DOT PH. He owns DIGIBOOK PUBLISHING HOUSE and the network of web sites including,,,,,,, and an up-coming webcasting network,
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IAN Del CARMEN, 27, is a TV writer and Internet entrepreneur. He is the CEO of the first Filipino-owned and Philippines-based eBookstore on the worldwide web with a real-time payment facility, DIGIBOOK DOT PH. He owns DIGIBOOK PUBLISHING HOUSE and the network of web sites including,,,,,,, and an up-coming webcasting network,
Books by IAN...
Thursday, March 09, 2006
Charity Checques!
Even if I'm sick, got sinusitis & coughs (i only smoked after 6pm today!), I went to work today.
I came to the PBB House at 1pm in time for a pull-out with the crew. We first fetched Christian Vasquez at Starbucks ABS-CBN then went directly to ABS-CBN Foundation.
We awarded a 3ok checque to a cameraman of ABS-CBN whose family (almost the whole clan) was one of the many families in that Leyte landslide/tragedy. Whoa! It's so hard to accept that... Imagine, the only left from his clan were him and a brother who also works for ABS-CBN.
Then we went upstairs, to the office of ABS-CBN Foundation to award another checque worth 90k for more Leyte landslide victims thru Sagip Kapamilya program of the foundation. (The OIC who accepted the checque is one pretty gal, promise!)
Then our next stop... (para kaming LBC ni Christian, mga hari ng padala! Delivering all those checques!) OK, our next stop was the Philippine Sports Commission in Ortigas. We came in, there's this usual government employee who's with the marketing office, laughing all her way while talking to someone over the phone before finally assisting us then asked how much the checque is, I said 40k, OK daw 'yun pam-party... And she said we need to go to Vito Cruz office because the officials are there and they should be the one to accept the checque! And... since there are cameras and an artista, 'yung director daw ang puntahan namin.
HUWAAAT??? Can't you just accepth the checque, the DONATION!!!, and send that checque to those officials?
Oh, well. Government officials...
Uminit ang ulo ko! OK, mamaya na kayo. I decided to serve a much needed checque...
We went to Elks Cerebral Palsy Foundation in Makati. Now called the Philippine Cerebral Palsy Foundation. Wow, pare! Kakaiba 'yung feeling na makita 'yung mga patients! Nakakaawa 'yung mga bata and Christian Vasquez had a great time with them even for just a while. All the people were so happy for seeing us and the Administrator, Ms Marissa L. Ong, was very thankful! Nakakawala ng pagod!
I was thinking if I should serve the Phil. Sports Comm. checque today. Gusto kong paghintayin 'yung mga officials then hindi na pala kami pupunta. But I was not that harsh. So we went to Rizal Memorial Stadium, went directly to the office of that director, finding a guard saying: "Bumaba si Director, eh!"
I said: "Ineexpect n'ya kami."
He said: "Ayaw n'yo yatang maniwala, ayan o! (showing a log book)"
COME ON, DUDE! What I was just trying to say is that he's expecting us because we're handing your organization a DONATION!!! and maybe we deserve to be asked to be seated on your reception room while waiting for that ***!
Hindi na lang ako nakipag-away...
I just asked someone who's the best official to accept the checque. Then there's the Chairman & CEO of the Commision, Mr William Ramirez, who was so accomodating. Buti na lang, mabait si Sir! So we roll the camera, Christian handed over the checque, the nice Chairman thanked us on-cam, and we left.
Along the way, puro kwentuhan lang kami ni Christian. About everything inside the Big Brother house, about theater (he acted pala sa PETA, we have some common friends!), about girls, etc.
And then we dropped him sa Starbucks, the crew and I arrived at the Big Brother house with the cameras rolling on Toni Gonzaga for her spiels, and I turned-over the tape to the archives.
And I smoked. Went home...
IAN Del CARMEN, 27, is a TV writer and Internet entrepreneur. He is the CEO of the first Filipino-owned and Philippines-based eBookstore on the worldwide web with a real-time payment facility, DIGIBOOK DOT PH. He owns DIGIBOOK PUBLISHING HOUSE and the network of web sites including,,,,,,, and an up-coming webcasting network,
Online Reference
Dictionary, Encyclopedia, & more! Try it out...
IAN Del CARMEN, 27, is a TV writer and Internet entrepreneur. He is the CEO of the first Filipino-owned and Philippines-based eBookstore on the worldwide web with a real-time payment facility, DIGIBOOK DOT PH. He owns DIGIBOOK PUBLISHING HOUSE and the network of web sites including,,,,,,, and an up-coming webcasting network,
Not well.
But I need to go to ABS-CBN for a shoot for "Pinoy Big Brother" with evicted housemate, Christian Vasquez. I'm shooting him deliver the checques for charity institutions they chose to be beneficiaries of "PBB Celebrity Challenge."
But I got a good news this morning! brought me back my account for them to resell my books and software.
I will work on this when I come back from the shoot tonight...
IAN Del CARMEN, 27, is a TV writer and Internet entrepreneur. He is the CEO of the first Filipino-owned and Philippines-based eBookstore on the worldwide web with a real-time payment facility, DIGIBOOK DOT PH. He owns DIGIBOOK PUBLISHING HOUSE and the network of web sites including,,,,,,, and an up-coming webcasting network,
Wednesday, March 08, 2006
I will only run down the 5 most dictating advertising tools below.
Before that, please try to drop by this amazing page. You can see some of my books there and why not grab a copy of those? And my online store is little-by-little going places. Thanks to Retz. Check out the site and join in the "Everyone Will Win" promo to get my book "The Rights to Riches" for FREE...
OK, here are the 5 Dictating Advertising Tools...
1) hell or high water - This copywriting phrase will auction your skills, items or genius. It will swing frugal people into loyalists. It will give you the guarantee to counterfeit currency.
2) hello - This copywriting word will help complete your business ambitions. It will help cut down your business costs. It will allow you to recruit a brilliant software consultant.
3) help - This copywriting word will help shield your sales targets. It will help cheapen your copywriting expenditures. It will allow you to employ an accomplished mentor.
4) help desk - This copywriting phrase will help you achieve multiplied royalties every year. It will help make you a spectacular organization. It will help you defeat your industry adversaries.
5) help you personally - This copywriting phrase will exclude your prospect's investing hesitations. It will convert leery people into fans. It will unroll your monthly spending money.
IAN Del CARMEN, 27, is a TV writer and Internet entrepreneur. He is the CEO of the first Filipino-owned and Philippines-based eBookstore on the worldwide web with a real-time payment facility, DIGIBOOK DOT PH. He owns DIGIBOOK PUBLISHING HOUSE and the network of web sites including,,,,,,, and an up-coming webcasting network,
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IAN Del CARMEN, 27, is a TV writer and Internet entrepreneur. He is the CEO of the first Filipino-owned and Philippines-based eBookstore on the worldwide web with a real-time payment facility, DIGIBOOK DOT PH. He owns DIGIBOOK PUBLISHING HOUSE and the network of web sites including,,,,,,, and an up-coming webcasting network,
Tuesday, March 07, 2006
After 3 Years...
Call it memory loss but I didn't remember that I have an account with So here I am, my blog... nabuhay uli after 3 loooong internet years!
I now remember using as my personal website. I created multiple pages, each page with different account on Blogspot. And then I interconnected all the blogs to form my personal site back then... And then I forgot about it.
Pinoy Big Blogger Retz of (re)-introduced me to blogging.
I've been surfing the net, reading blogs like,,,, etc. These past few days, after I got my unlimited DSL connection at home, I pledged to get the most out of this internet subscription from PLDT...
The result: I sleep at 7am then wake up around 1pm or 2pm.
And then I thought... why not blog??? And I encountered I tried to sign-up with my name but there's another Ian Del Carmen blogging!
And then I tried to login using my name and my favorite passwords.
And... there you go! The blogger named Ian Del Carmen happened to be... ME 3 years ago!
Hey, I forgot that I have this site...
And now, I'm back...
So watch out for this one.
5 Volcanic Copywriting Tips!
1) addressed by - This copywriting phrase will add to your payoff. It will shift applicants into obtainers. It will clamp your observer's attention.
2) adequate insurance - This copywriting phrase will kick start your yield. It will transfer clickthroughs into gold. It will take your skimmer’s point of interest.
3) adhered to - This copywriting phrase will add to your gross. It will change disbelievers into endorsers. It will snatch your viewer's heart.
4) adhesive like - This copywriting phrase will kick start your gain. It will switch freebie seekers into cash flow. It will pluck your traffic's emotions.
5) adjoin at - This copywriting phrase will add to your cash. It will turn leads into advocates. It will clutch your reader's attention.
IAN Del CARMEN, 27, is a TV writer and Internet entrepreneur. He is the CEO of the first Filipino-owned and Philippines-based eBookstore on the worldwide web with a real-time payment facility, DIGIBOOK DOT PH. He owns DIGIBOOK PUBLISHING HOUSE and the network of web sites including,,,,,,, and an up-coming webcasting network,
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